Formations diagram for the SECR P Class 0-6-0T locomotive, showcasing 11 realistic rakes you can produce with your models.

SECR P Class 0-6-0T - Formations Guide


SECR P Class 0-6-0T

The handy diagram below showcases some of the workings that you can produce with a Hattons SECR P Class 0-6-0T. We've covered an array of the models available, so there's a range of rakes that cover the lifespan of these tiny tank engines - with everything from local passenger workings, to light freight shunting and preservation brake van rides!

Explore the different rakes below, with links to the correct products used. Or scroll down to download/ print your own formations poster.


Passenger Services

753 SECR 1910s - Passenger Service  
Products used: P ClassBirdcage Brake Composite Lavatory, Birdcage Brake Third


27 "Primrose" Bluebell Railway 1960s - Passenger Service  
Products used: P ClassBirdcage Brake Third Lavatory  


178 Bluebell Railway 2000s - Passenger Service  
Products used: P ClassMk1 TSOMk1 BSK


323 "Bluebell" Bluebell Railway (Horsted Keynes) 2016 - Brake Van Rides
Products used: P ClassQueen Mary Brake


Freight Services

27 SECR Reading 1910s - Shunting  
Products used: P Class3 plank wagon x45 plank wagon x23 plank wagon
5753 & 5027 Boulogne Docks 1916 - Shunting Tanks  
Products used: P ClassP ClassParrot wagon with tank load x5


31556 Brighton Shed 1950s - Shunting Loco Coal
Products used: P Class16t mineral wagon8 plank wagon x2 #


31323 Dover Yard 1950s - Shunting
Products used: P Class5 plank wagon x212t van x25 plank wagon
31027 Chislet Colliery 1958 - Shunting  
Products used: P Class16t mineral wagon x221t mineral wagon x2  
"Pioneer II" Bowaters Paper Mill 1960s - Trip Working (Paper)  
Products used: P Class1 plank wagon x5  
"Pride of Sussex" Robertsbridge Flour Mill 1965 - Trip Working (Grain)  
Products used: P Class*5 plank wagonGrain wagons x3  

* - Not in current catalogue, may be available as a pre-owned item


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