Comparison of N 4-8-8-4 Class 4000 'Big Boy' UP models

Athearn N 4-8-8-4 Class 4000 'Big Boy' UP Broadway Limited Imports N 4-8-8-4 Class 4000 'Big Boy' UP Kato N 4-8-8-4 Class 4000 'Big Boy' UP
Manufacturer Athearn Broadway Limited Imports Kato
Year model introduced 2008 2022 2023
DCC Capability DCC fitted, with sound DCC fitted, with sound DCC compatible. PCB swap required
Bodyshell - factory-fitted separate details
Bell Yes
No Yes
Bodyside Steps No No Yes
Boiler supports Yes
No No
Chimney Yes
No Yes
Coal rails Yes
No Yes
Company branding Yes
No Yes
Cylindrical vents No No Yes
Dome No No Yes
Drain cocks Yes
No Yes
Handrails Yes
No Yes
Headlamp Yes
No Yes
Injector Yes
No No
Injector pipework Yes
No No
Lamp irons No No Yes
Lubricator mechanism No No Yes
Numberplates - plastic - pre-fitted Yes
No Yes
Pipe work Yes
No Yes
Regulator linkage No No Yes
Release valve No No Yes
Reverser Yes
No Yes
Roof hatch No No Yes
Safety valve Yes
No Yes
Shed plates - etched No No Yes
Smoke deflectors Yes
No No
Tail lamp Yes
No No
Tender ladder Yes
No Yes
Walking platforms Yes
No Yes
Whistle Yes
No Yes
Chassis/underframe detail
Air tank Yes
No No
Brake rigging chassis No No Yes
Correct-thickness "stamped" rods Yes
No Yes
Fluted connecting rods with oily finish Yes
No Yes
Footsteps Yes
No Yes
Framework No No Yes
Handbrake wheel/ lever Yes
No No
Inside valve gear No No Yes
Inside valve gear (cosmetic) Yes
No No
Lubricator mechanism No No Yes
No visible gap between front-bogie & frames Yes
No No
Pipework Yes
No Yes
Sanding gear No No Yes
Sprung front bogie Yes
No No
Cab, footplate & interior detail
Detailed & painted Yes
No Yes
Glazing Yes
No Yes
Has easy-to-use coupling to loco No No Yes
Has enclosure for speaker No No Yes
Houses digital decoder Yes
No Yes
Houses PCB Yes
No Yes
Permanently coupled to locomotive Yes
No No
Wheel "aesthetics"
Chemically-blackened Yes
No Yes
Metal-pin point bearings Yes
No Yes
Painted Yes
No No
Bufferbeam detail (pre-fitted)
Cowcatchers No No Yes
Lifeguard Yes
No No
Pipework - pre-fitted to front No No Yes
Pipework - pre-fitted to rear No No Yes
Body Construction Plastic with metal parts
No Plastic with metal parts
Chassis construction Heavy diecast
No Heavy diecast
Loco-driven wheels (number of) 16 wheels
No 16 wheels
Minimum radius Radius 3
No Radius 2
Coupling socket/mounting
NEM pockets No No Yes
Non-NEM socket Yes
No No
Coupling type Knuckle Coupling
No N gauge Knuckle buckeye
Weighting (to assist adhesion)
Within boiler No No Yes
Within chassis Yes
No Yes
Within tender No No Yes
Separating the body from the chassis Secured with one or more screws
No Secured with one or more screws
Motor type 5-pole with two flywheels
No 2 x Coreless motors with flywheels
Motor location Locomotive
No Locomotive
Power collection 2 rail DC
No 2 rail DC
Working lights
Directional headlights (no tail lights) Yes
No No
Headlamps No No Yes
Headlights (independent) Yes
No No
Tail lights (independent) Yes
No No
Pickups Driving wheels and tender wheels
No Driving wheels and tender wheels
DCC speaker Pre-fitted
No Provision for a speaker (dimensions unknown)
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